Advocate for comprehensive plans inclusive of food and agriculture

Provide ongoing monitoring and advocacy for implementing comprehensive plan food strategies and updating future comprehensive plans to be inclusive of food and agriculture

This action is appearing in our plan for the first time, it just sprouted.


Integrate Agriculture & Climate Resilience

Leaders & Supporters of the Work

The Big Why

A Comprehensive Plan is a foundational city planning document that details a 10-15 year vision for a municipality, and guides both city decision-making, and city, state, and federal resource allocation during that time period. Over the course of the first Local Foods Action Plan Lewiston Auburn, the Good Food Council of LA, local farmers and citizens successfully advocated for inclusion of food access and agriculture in the City of Auburn’s updated 2021-2031 Comprehensive Plan, the only new “chapter” in the Plan approved in late 2021: “Promoting Food Access and Growing Auburn’s Agriculture Economy.” The GFCLA served an important convening role to ensure community voices were captured and shared with the City of Auburn. To continue to reach a shared community vision for a robust local food system, it is imperative that a chorus of voices are paying attention and advocating to ensure community planning and resource allocation is in line with the vision outlined in City comprehensive plans. The City of Auburns’ Food Access and Agricultural chapter compliments many of the actions outlined in the updated LFAP LA plan and vice versa. The hope is to continue to use the LFAP LA as a bridge to connect the work happening hyper-locally within each City to what is happening across the region as a whole.


Currently, this action is in Sprout status. Are you excited by this action and ready to take action? Let’s connect.

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Resources & Additional Materials

Anchoring Agriculture in the Comprehensive Plan

Auburn Comprehensive Plan

Incorporating Food Systems Language into Comprehensive Plans

May 1, 2021


Lewiston Comprehensive Plan

Natural Products & Agriculture Working Group

Promoting Food Access and Production and Growing the Agriculture Economy Policies