Stories from our Work
Visions for a Thriving Resilient Food System for Lewiston Auburn
Over the course of the plan being updated, partners, stakeholders, and community members were invited to share their vision for a Thriving, Resilient Food System in Lewiston-Auburn. The visions shared by our community include: Lewiston Auburn has a resilient, robust...
Developing a Community Food Center in LA
Emmy Andersson, of the Cooperative Development Institute (CDI), shares about work that CDI and the St. Mary’s Nutrition Center have been doing to advance the community-driven goals and actions in the Local Foods, Local Places Action Plan for Lewiston-Auburn....
Creating Future Home for Lewiston Farmers’ Market
Sherie Blumenthal, of the Lewiston Farmers’ Market (LFM), shares about work the LFM has been doing to advance the community-driven goals and actions in the Local Foods, Local Places Action Plan for Lewiston-Auburn. Specifically, the LFM has been advancing Goal 1:...
Improving City Rules that Support Urban Agriculture
Shelley Norton, of the Good Food Council of Lewiston-Auburn (GFCLA) and Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG), shares about work GFCLA has been doing to advance the community-driven goals and actions in the Local Foods, Local Places Action Plan for...
Securing Land to Grow Food in LA
Muhidin Libah, of the Somali-Bantu Community Association (SBCA), shares about work SBCA has been doing to advance the community-driven goals and actions in the Local Foods, Local Places Action Plan for Lewiston-Auburn. Specifically, SBCA has been advancing Goal 4:...
Increasing Equitable Land Access & Justice
Ethan Miller, of Land in Common community land trust (LC), shares about work they have been doing to advance the community-driven goals and actions in the Local Foods, Local Places Action Plan for Lewiston Auburn. Specifically, LC has been advancing Goal 4: “Increase...
Building Local Food Identity & Brand
Shanna Cox, of the LA Metro Chamber, shares about efforts they have been leading to advance the community-driven goals and actions in the Local Foods, Local Places Action Plan Lewiston Auburn. Specifically, the LAMC has been advancing Goal 3: “Build Food and...