Action |
Goal Area(s) |
Stage of Growth |
ActionFARMERS' MARKETS - Build a vibrant sustainable Lewiston Farmers' MarketAction Lead: Lewiston Farmers Market Association (LFMA) |
Goal Area(s)![]() STRENGTHEN ![]() BUILD |
Stage of Growth
Harvest |
ActionLEWISTON AUBURN COMMUNITY MARKET - Secure and develop a site for the LA Community Market, the first cooperatively run market and kitchen in MaineAction Leads: Kathryn Piper, Lewiston Auburn Community Market (LACM) Board, RSC Consulting |
Goal Area(s)![]() STRENGTHEN ![]() BUILD |
Stage of Growth
Harvest |
ActionCOORDINATED FOOD PANTRIES - Foster food stability and access through coordinated emergency food responseAction Leads: St. Mary’s Nutrition Center, The Root Cellar |
Goal Area(s)![]() STRENGTHEN |
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionAGRICULTURE MUNICIPAL POLICY - Facilitate strong local food and agriculture municipal policyAction Lead: Auburn Natural Products and Agriculture Working Group |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Harvest |
ActionCULTURAL FOOD IN SCHOOLS - Increase local, cultural and halal foods in the schoolsAction Leads: Five Pillars Farm, Auburn School Nutrition, Haali’s Halal Cuisine, Somali Bantu Community Association (SBCA) |
Goal Area(s)![]()
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionGARDEN EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS - Integrate garden and nutrition education in schoolsAction Lead: Healthy Androscoggin |
Goal Area(s)![]()
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionSCRATCH COOKING IN SCHOOLS - Increase scratch cooking in the schoolsAction Leads: Auburn School Nutrition, Healthy Androscoggin, St. Mary’s Nutrition Center |
Goal Area(s)![]() ![]() |
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionMUNICIPAL FARM PROTECTION - Foster municipal protection and support of local farmsAction Lead: Auburn Natural Products and Agriculture Working Group |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADVOCACY - Advocate for comprehensive plans inclusive of food and agricultureAction Lead: Good Food Council Lewiston Auburn |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionFUTURE GENERATION OF FARMERS - Build a future generation of farmers across cultures and communitiesAction Lead: RSC Consulting |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionCLIMATE ACTION - Identify and advocate municipal climate action prioritiesAction Leads: Bates Harward Center for Community Partnerships, Good Food Council Lewiston Auburn |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionLAND SECURITY & JUSTICE - Ensure land security and justice for marginalized groupsAction Lead: Somali Bantu Community Association |
Goal Area(s)![]()
Stage of Growth
Harvest |
ActionPROTECT COMMUNITY GARDENS - Protect Community Gardens for the futureAction Leads: St. Mary’s Nutrition Center, Land in Common |
Goal Area(s)![]()
Stage of Growth
Harvest |
ActionCELEBRATE LA FOODS - Celebrate agriculture, food cultures, and local foodAction Leads: LA Metro Chamber of Commerce, Auburn Natural Resources Working Group |
Goal Area(s)
Stage of Growth
Harvest |
ActionFOOD MARKETING & BRANDING - Facilitate robust marketing and branding for local food businessesAction Lead: LA Metro Chamber of Commerce |
Goal Area(s)
Stage of Growth
Sprout |
ActionIncrease awareness and advocacy for land access, transfer, preservation, and land justice |
Goal Area(s)
Stage of Growth
Dormant |
ActionConduct a feasibility study for an urban farm in Lewiston Auburn |
Goal Area(s)![]() STRENGTHEN |
Stage of Growth
Dormant |
ActionIdentify existing efforts, assets, and gaps for programs and policies for food waste and organics collection |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Dormant |
ActionGrow a network of land seekers & owners to promote grassroots land access |
Goal Area(s)
Stage of Growth
Statewide Work |
ActionDevelop a Land Access Navigator to help connect community members with land, funding, and resources |
Goal Area(s)
Stage of Growth
Statewide Work |
ActionDevelop a land fund that provides land loans and grants that are specifically interest-free |
Goal Area(s)
Stage of Growth
Statewide Work |
ActionConduct a needs assessment to identify regional requirements for local food processing and storage |
Goal Area(s)![]() |
Stage of Growth
Statewide Work |
ActionCreate a local food purchasing system with an electronic platform |
Goal Area(s)![]() STRENGTHEN |
Stage of Growth
Statewide Work |