The Plan
The Local Foods Action Plan Lewiston Auburn (LFAP LA) is comprised of 4 main goals and 15 actions supported by almost a dozen “Action Leads” or community champions who will carry the work forward. LFAP LA is the second iteration of an original plan -known first as Local Foods Local Places Lewiston Auburn, that was collectively created in 2019 through a 3 month long planning process culminating in a 3 day community workshop. LFAP LA’s original four goals were developed during the planning process by a committee of municipal, community, and food system leaders. These goals were introduced into the community workshop to help frame the development of a collective food vision and a series of actions aimed at more closely reaching the vision and meeting the goals. During this planning event the first iteration of the plan’s 16 original actions were developed and “Leads” and “Supporters”. These actions were undertaken over the course of the next four years before the Plan’s Coordinators – the Good Food Council of Lewiston Auburn and the St. Mary’s Nutrition Center recognized the need for, and pursued, a years long community update process.
The community update process fostered a vetting of existing actions to determine which would be carried forward and through interviews, listening session, and stakeholder meetings helped to identify new, and important emergent work to be included into the plan. Newly identified actions were vetted for feasibility. The four original goals of the plan were modified and expanded to better accommodate emerging and new work and more accurately encompass ongoing work. The result is the Local Foods Action Plan LA included on this database. The plan lives in this digital form as a means to facilitate a more dynamic and engaging tool for education and change. This form will allow it actions to updated as they evolve or shift and for new deliverables to be tracked and milestones achieved to be noted and celebrated.
The following section includes the 4 Goals, separated into it’s own page with context and background provided in the form of the “Big Why”. Each of the 15 new and ongoing actions has it’s own page that includes the full action language, background, milestones achieved, corresponding “Action Leads,” and links to external research, discussion, and insight to encourage readers to “Dig Deeper.”
To read more background on the Local Foods Action Plan see our About section!
Click on one of these goal areas to visit its respective goal page.